and they’re off

1st day for my 1st grader!

School started yesterday here in Durango. The kids are excited. I look forward to a bit of routine, because there are things that I need to get done. I look forward to a complete and uninterrupted thought.

Back to school is very much like the New Year for me. A fresh start and clean slate and all. This will be the first time, repeat, the first time, that I will have all three kids in school all day and not also be teaching kids all day. For twelve years it has been kids kids kids. Then more kids. Oh just pile on a few more, why not.

I am teaching only one morning a week to home schoolers who come to the shared school program in the public schools. It’s my job to share my crazy wild wonderful love of reading and writing with them. That’s easy! Can do!

Otherwise, I’ll be working on other projects that are more ‘adult’. I almost feel guilty writing that.

But not really.

Last night we had a special back to school dinner. We had a Pho bar and peachy spinach smoothies. Very fun and tasty! Then german chocolate cake ice cream cones.

Della took flowers and a fresh tomato out of the garden to her teacher. (Matt chopped down our apple tree! Bastard!)

It was nothing like last year, which was totally traumatic for us, as the kids were all at new schools.

If you are a boy going into seventh grade then these might interest you.

They are da bomb! He designed the entire shoe himself…. down to the color of the stitching. Tell me that’s not cool and I’ll say your just green with envy. I know I am. I had to turn tricks to pay for these. We mothers will do what it takes, right? We’ll bronze them when he’s done. Go here for your very own.

Max asked me, very earnestly, if we could all try to be super organized in the mornings.

Amen Brother!

I will try. Keep reminding me, sweet boy. It don’t come natural, that’s for sure.

The morning went swimmingly. Super organized, we were. Sausage and biscuits and peaches and cream. Lots of coffee. Backpacks and school lunches and snacks. But then we were almost late to school because we found a baby bunny in the garden, and it was so damn cute that we lost track of time.

On an unrelated note.

Della took this picture. ‘Grab the camera for your blog,’ she yelled!

No, she didn’t stage it at all. 🙂 Love that girl.

I hope your back to school is lovely.

Over and out.

7 thoughts on “and they’re off

  1. Christy @ cat fur to make kitten britches says:

    Oh wow – where do I start??

    First of all ~ hooray for back to school! My kids go back today, and while I love 'em, I think we've had quite enough togetherness for a while. I'm ready for a break. And oh yes, that is a major milestone when you finally have them all in school at the same time. Yay for you! I hope you enjoy the luxury of some time alone. I raise my coffee cup to you!

    Seondly ~ yeah, those shoes rock! My son is only in 5th grade, but I am going to show him that website anyway. I can't seem to get him out of his crocs. Maybe this will entice him?

    Lastly ~ that picture of the kitty? Oh swoon! These are the kinds of things I really should not be looking at because I think my husband would divorce me if I so much as mentioned the notion of getting a kitten……but the cuteness of it is almost irresistible.

    Here's to a fabulous new year (organized or not!)!


  2. Amanda says:

    Oh so cute…tho the bunny looks a bit like a, um, kitten? Maybe I'm imagining things. Any advice to first time moms sending the oldest to kindergarten? She told me yesterday she'd be having too much fun to miss me. I don't know if I can say the same.


  3. ivey patton says:

    oh amanda! that's not easy! but take her lead and enjoy! i never hesitated to pick della up early for a special lunch or let her sleep in when she needed to….i think kindergarten should be organic and free form and when you need her or she needs you or a free day beckons…take it. have fun and good luck!


  4. Kim says:

    Those shoes are awesome. What's a few tricks? Ha! Also, I love Pho and my mouth is watering and my leftovers for dinner are sounding more and more unappetizing.


  5. Kim says:

    Hmmmm, missing authentic ingredients you say…Basil? Lemon wedges? I ate a lot of Pho in Hawaii (big vietnamese community there) and these 2 components seemed crucial. Also, they usually served with a sweet/sour plum sauce, as well as the Sriracha sauce, as I see you have. Looks so yummy!!!!!


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