the super salve company and a giveaway

comfrey leaf lotion…i use it as my facial moisturizer, too.

I am not one of those girls that goes crazy for beauty products. Ask my mom. She says things like…. “Oh Ivey, you could be attractive if you’d wear a little make-up.” My beauty regime, if it even merits that name, is quite simple. I brush my teeth, moisturize, sunscreen, and pull my mop back into a ponytail. If I’m going to a meeting I might put on mascara. That’s it. 
I don’t like to think about it too often, but the wild west does a number on your skin. High Altitude, a mega dry climate, and being outdoors constantly, is a bad combination, and we gals out here are aging faster than you girls back east. (Just our skin, OK, don’t go getting all cocky.) 🙂
But I have a solution and I am clinging to it.

Say Hello to the Super Salve Co.

Never in my life, have I contacted a company to say hi and thank you and bless your soul,  not until the other day. I figured that while I was at it, I’d throw the sponsor idea out there, and within the day, Denise, the owner of the company had written back. 
Denise is the herbal goddess behind the amazing product line…Super Salve. Everything she makes is  pure love. You read the ingredients and they are an inspired concoction of total goodness. The list starts off with ‘purified mountain rain water’ and only gets better.  See?

 Her sunscreen is a must have. There are lots of natural sunscreens out there, but this one is the real McCoy! It’s spf 30 and I have no problem with it on my face all day, everyday and it’s the only thing I put on my kids. It lives in fridge (as she recommends for many of her products) and is a cool treat for the skin and the senses.
And here is the deal clincher for me. The Oh My Goodness. I do NOT like scents. Not one bit, and especially on the face.  But stop the car, girlfriend. Denise is genius. 
Never in my life, have I been more in love with a smell. Part of it is knowing that it is mother earth’s blessed alchemy, not some chemical formula, and part is olfactory induced euphoria. This could go rated R, but to say that Matt likes it is an understatement. Pure Heaven.
Right this minute, order some sunscreen for you and the kids and some Comfrey Leaf lotion for you and the significant other.  And look at all her amazing product lines…they’re extensive and well conceived.

{If you live in Durango, you can buy her products at Durango Natural Foods or Nature’s Oasis.}

From the girl who’s not into product, but is certainly into anti-aging, and only the best on your skin, east and west, north and south, let me say that you deserve this. You do know the woes of traditional cosmetics, I’m assuming. To learn more go here, here, or here. She also makes make-up for those who want a natural alternative.
And Denise wants to pamper you with a wonderful give away.

She is offering a mini-kit from her Body Nourish Spa line…17 products for face and body.

(CONTAINS (1) EACH: Cleansing Facial Foam, Hydrating Facial Toner, Intensive Vitamin C Treatment, Sunshine Filter, Hydrating Eye Cream, VitaNutrient Face Cream, Hydrating Facial Mist, Facial Steam, Green Clay Refinishing Facial Mask, Daily Renewal Peel, Jelly Mask, Silk Finish Salt Scrub, Cocoa Butter Misting Oil, Comfrey Lotion, Foot Treatment, Coconut Sugar Scrub, and Hair & Scalp Treament.)

It’s a fandango, folks. There will be two winners! Leave a comment and tell me what you look for in a cosmetic product and you are entered. I will pick a random winner next Friday.

Spread the word.
congrats to heather and anna!

this moment…{the ginja ninja does a project}

The Ginja Ninja finished this poster yesterday, for school. 
Now that’s a book. 
You’ve read it, right? Must, must, must!
I’m not going to tell you how the end effected my sweet boy. It has a humdinger of an ending. 
I will say that I heard noises coming from his room, and they were not very ninja-like. 


But, oh, I have a sensitive ninja.
Hope your weekend is a flying side kick to the very soul of Saturday!