Twist and Twine Yarns

I am so happy to introduce you to Camilla, my new sponsor, of Twist and Twine.

I am not a knitter. It is probably a built-in Darwinian mechanism for survival for my offspring. I fear that if I knit, I would fall down the rabbit hole of soft, fuzzy, cozy, warm, and lovely….never to return. My children would starve as I wallowed in rainbows of wool. That’s an exaggeration, but my plan is to start knitting for the grandchildren, as they won’t be under my direct care (I hope).

Just look at this.

and this

Beautiful yarn triggers something primal, I think…. a connection to our past and to nurturing and protecting.

Everything about it feels right.

So you can’t imagine how excited I was to get an email from Camilla, of Twist and Twine, the other day. Her photos are dizzying, her passion is palpable, and I feel like a kindred spirit is up in Montana splashing beautiful colors all over her kitchen for the greater good. You saw her clothesline from the other day, right? What a job!

Camilla is originally from Scandinavia and now resides in the Montana mountains with her four darling children and husband. She loves all things nature and first started making natural dyes as a child with her grandfather from birch and blueberries. She’s been knitting since age six and you might remember her from Magnolia Handspun where she has been creating magic (see below) up until very recently.
A hand injury and a very obvious love of color led her to dyeing and aren’t we all glad?!
She says she ‘lives to dye’ and jokes that she has fiber running through her blood. I say, that it is obvious when a person finds their passion and it shows in their work. Camilla’s yarn speaks for itself!
 Camilla writes about family, her heart, her new horse and her free range life at her blog, Free Range Chick. I am putting the blog in my sidebar, too, as her writing is so heartfelt and lovely. 
When you get a moment, I would love for you to read this post about her oldest son. A mother’s love for that first boy is hard to describe, but she nails this unnameable feeling. 
But before you run off and do that, she has a little something for you.  
Do you want this ball of goodness?
It could be yours.
Even the name is enticing….here is the official lowdown!

” Floral & Fern “
4 ply Fingering weight
75% Superwash Merino
25% Nylon
437 yards/3.5 oz
Needle: US 1-3

You have two chances to win and it couldn’t be easier. Leave a comment below for your first chance, and for two chances, mention this give away on your blog or your facebook page. Report back.
I’ll announce the winner on Thursday!

24 thoughts on “Twist and Twine Yarns

  1. momma rae says:

    what gorgeous yarns!! i love the name *floral and fern*.

    i found your blog via another and was attracted right away because of the name….i lived for 7 years in durango and my daughter was born there. a big part of my heart is still there and i love getting glimpses through your lovely blog! 😉


  2. flyingjen says:

    I found you via Soule Mama and had to check our your blog to see if you were really in Colorado. What I really like it the photo of the yarn on the clothes line with the mountains in the background. At first glance it looked like prayer flags flying in the wind at the base of Mt. Everest.


  3. Anna says:

    There is nothing better than hand dyed yarn! I really should start a new project, I don't have enough UFO's lying around the house right now….. (Unfinished Objects)


  4. kathleen says:

    Yes, beautiful yarn and web page. Knitting has become my passion and I am lost in the warm, fuzzy, goodness of it all. Thanks for understanding!!


  5. Lady Cordelia says:

    love love love love love.
    I am a knitter, but I feature a lot of mistakes in my knitting. It's kind of my thing.
    i love you. I love this yarn.
    I will go and mention your giveaway on my pasta blog since I won't be writing again til thurs.


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