the christmas plan

So girls, as promised, this is it. My gift for all my local family and friends is a night of adventure and wild family fun.  

Because Most of us Don’t Need Another ‘Thing’

Because Christmas is a Time for Giving
Because Laughter is Awesome
Because You’re Never too Old or too Young for an Adventure
Because it’s Fun to Make a Fool of Yourself
(just wait, it really is!)
Because the Mighty Moose is Migrating South

And Mostly Because we Love You

Food+Spirits+Bail Money provided after this town wide quest for the bizarre and unexpected!
We hope you’ll join us. 
(and if you don’t you just might be kidnapped…not joking)

We ask that you boldly RSVP so that we can make up the teams!
I will be putting together teams of friends and strangers, with kids separated and mixed about appropriately for optimal good times and fairness. Clearly, I can’t post the list of items and deeds that will need to be acquired during the hunt, but if you are interested please let me know and I will email it out in the next week or so. While it’s not a ‘real’ present to put under the tree, a homemade photo booth will capture the memories for a fun reminder of some oddball Christmas fun.

But for now, Happy Halloween!