kona and granola

I got a package in the mail the other day from my friend, Kim. Among the assorted Hawaiian sweets was a bag of gold.  Pure Kona from Maui. Mornings are supreme, my friends.

I thought I’d whoop up some granola to go with it.

I looked at my recipe and made some tweaks and changes, if only because I like to use what I have on hand.
I did not have any high oleic oils hanging around, so I used ghee and raw coconut butter.
I added millet and smatterings of almost empty nut jars….almond, pecan, cashew, flax, sesame, and walnuts. Not much of any of these, mind you. Just the dregs.

It was/is yummy. I got caught up in the moment and made about 3 tons of the stuff, enough to get us through the apocalypse.

Just head over to my house when you run out of provisions.

The world will be in chaos, looting and pillaging, but we’ll be eating granola, tucked under a mountain.

I’ll even save you some java.

My parents gave me the platter for Christmas. It’s an original, by my friend Rebecca
Back before the kids, I made pottery with her, and a wonderful group of women in a funky old warehouse in Athens, GA.
She believes in ‘beauty everyday’.
You too? Yeah, I thought so.
Why not, right?
Have a beautiful day!
And, Geez Louise, scroll down and hit up my give away for some beauty in a ball!